Friday 7 December 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

station, a job that she really enjoyed.
She loves journalism and everything related to it, such as: researching, the tedious preparation, and the spontaneity. She hopes to be a war correspondent one day. Although she acknowledges that this sounds dangerous, and maybe even a reckless choice of careers, she says she would love to bring to light chains of events that change the world.
Before she moved to the United States, she was working as a radio announcer at National Radio Station of Venezuela. She had different responsibilities. First of all, Indira was the live official voice of the classical music station at the National Radio Station of Venezuela: as a radio announcer, she used to read the news and announce programs. Additionally, she was also assigned to record a special program for the classical music station, and one of them was called “De La Viena romantica a la EspaƱa sentimental” (from romantic Vienna to sentimental Spain). The idea of the program was to describe the stories of a given opera after it was broadcast. She also worked in a “pressroom” and wrote news stories. She really enjoyed being a radio announcer... it is what she likes best. She has also worked in Radio Caracas, which is another radio station. She moved to the United States to improve her English speaking skills, which she believes are important to anyone who wants to consider journalism as a career. She believes that learning to speak English fluently will provide opportunities in her life as a bilingual speaker.

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

Sabika Spring 2012

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